Wouldn't it be nice if nfs-mounts would wake the target machine if needed? After some digging I came up with the following solution: combine autofs with etherwake and some shellscripting.
The thinking in this solution is as follows: autofs will create stubs where real filesystems appear when a file is requested. For this autofs will mount the NFS share when required. It falls back to /sbin/mount.nfs for this (which is also the backend for NFS mounts performed via mount -t nfs). So if we replace the mount.nfs with a version that first sends a WOL packet and then calls the original mount.nfs to perform the actual mount, we are all set.
So here are the steps:
1) Install etherwake (apt-get install etherwake)
2) Rename /sbin/mount.nfs to /sbin/mount.nfs.orig (cd /sbin && mv mount.nfs mount.nfs.orig)
3) Create the following script in /usr/local/sbin/mount.nfs.wol
# arg 4 are the options. Parse them
args=`echo $4 | tr ',' ' '`
for f in $args
if [ "wol" = "${f:0:3}" ]
wol=`echo ${f} | cut -f 2 -d=`
if [ ! -z "${target_args}" ]
etherwake ${wol}
exec ${ORIG_MOUNT} $1 $2 $3 ${target_args}
4) Create a link to this script (cd /sbin && ln -s /usr/local/sbin/mount.nfs.wol mount.nfs). Make sure the script is executable! (chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/mount.nfs.wol)
5) Add a parameter to /etc/fstab for the wakeonlan enabled mounts
(for example: if your current fstab contains a line like:
"server:/media/nfs /mnt nfs hard,tcp 0 0" change it to:
"server:/media/nfs /mnt nfs hard,tcp,wol=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff 0 0" where the mac address is changed to the mac-address of the machine to wake. You can find this using the 'arp' command).
6) Make sure that the target machine can receive wake-on-lan packets (apt-get install ethtool, add 'ethtool-wol g' to the network interface entry in /etc/network/interfaces)
I've got this running now for a non autofs-enabled setup and will test with autofs next.
This has started giving me the following issues when mounting my fstab drives:
ReplyDeletemount.nfs4: mount(2): Invalid argument
mount.nfs4: an incorrect mount option was specified
It used to work for several months, an update or something must have ruined it.